How long does it take to complete a job reference check? With good references this generally takes a couple of days to schedule and perform the reference check. However, this is completely dependent of the reference we’re checking. Be very aware of this fact if you are paying a RUSH fee to one of the reference checking services as no one can influence the responsiveness of your references. does not offer RUSH packages for reference checking services for job seekers because no reference checking service can make a job reference respond quickly.

Obviously, unresponsive references should not be used on your job reference list you provide prospective employers, but it is essential to confirm this behavior independently.

Order a reference check today for each of your references to determine which, if any should be used on your job reference list. Only the best references should be included in your job reference list.

Reference Checking Service For Job Seekers. is a reference checking service for job seekers used to evaluate and identify your highest performing references to provide prospective employers. also offers “next step” services to address bad or negative job references including cease and desist letters and sworn affidavits, so you can get your career back on track. Order one reference check today and find out why our clients prefer over all other reference checking services for the best value for job reference checks and related services.

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