Preparation is the foundation of confidence. and confidence is the cornerstone of empowerment. Preparation is achieved through thought, consideration, examination, planning, and then execution.
We suggest the following high level steps in preparing for a job search or career transition:
Resumes and Cover Letters
It’s important to have a well-written, clear and concise resume and cover letters containing all the key attributes and experience you have relative to any given role you’re applying for. Resumes help get us interviews. A cover letter is often your earliest written contact with a potential employer, creating a positive and lasting first impression.
Plan ahead and compile a list of references and some letters of recommendations, so you’re prepared when a prospective employer requests them. Get personal contact information for your co-workers, vendors, customers, etc. so you’ll have it for future networking purposes. Have these references independently verified to confirm how they’ll respond to a third party inquiry, given most people will deliver a different response to you, as an individual, or a third party, such as a prospective employer. Don’t leave your career to chance. Successful people know how their references perform during a reference check call with prospective employers.
Contact Information
Use non-work contact information for all your job search communications. That way, if your access is cut-off at work, you’ll still be in active contact with your network. Have a home phone or a cell phone with voice mail so potential employers can reach you. Confirm the voice prompts are appropriate for a prospective employer to hear.
Reference Checking Service For Job Seekers. is a reference checking service for job seekers used to evaluate and identify your highest performing references to provide prospective employers. also offers “next step” services to address bad or negative job references including cease and desist letters and sworn affidavits, so you can get your career back on track. Order one reference check today and find out why our clients prefer over all other reference checking services for the best value for job reference checks and related services.