offers cease and desist letters to use for bad references. Your preference reference checking service now provides downloadable cease and desist templates in MS Word format. Cease and Desist letters can stop false, inaccurate, or slanderous job references.

Whether you’re being harassed by a collection agency, want to assert your ownership of a copyright, or just want to formally tell someone to stop hassling you, a Cease and Desist Letter does the job. It’s a simple way to create a paper trail that asserts your ownership of intellectual property or tells an annoying party that enough is enough.

Order a cease and desist letter today for any bad reference recorded by during a previous reference check call.

Reference Checking Service For Job Seekers. is a reference checking service for job seekers used to evaluate and identify your highest performing references to provide prospective employers. also offers “next step” services to address bad or negative job references including cease and desist letters and sworn affidavits, so you can get your career back on track. Order one reference check today and find out why our clients prefer over all other reference checking services for the best value for job reference checks and related services.

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