Zig Ziglar once said, “You cannot climb the ladder of success dressed in the costume of failure.”
In today’s competitive job market, job interviews are quickly becoming one of the keys to success. During any job interview, your conduct, interpersonal skills and your ability to formulate responses to the interviewer’s questions will be the most important elements of your interview. However, your attire also plays a powerful and important role at a time when not only your skills and knowledge are being evaluated, but also your overall professionalism and credibility.
In any job interview, first impressions will matter, and the impression you make may well be the difference in getting the job you long to have. According to Kim Zoller, President of Image Dynamics, 55% of another person’s perception of you is based on how you look. With that being said, the single most powerful tool in making a good first impression is to arrive dressed as neat and professional as possible.
In today’s culture there are many different types of dress codes that exist, everything from specific uniforms for some positions, to companies that have a very casual dress environment. When attending an interview it is always appropriate to wear attire that will be fitting for the position. If you are unsure of what the possible dress code might be try the following suggestions: Call the front desk and ask for the HR department. They will be more than happy to help with your selection. Another possible recommendation is to take notice of the employees coming and leaving the facility, paying special attention to the clothing they are wearing. Remember, if you are not able to determine what the current dress code is, always error on the conservative side. It is always better to be overdressed than under dressed.
Below is a list of some of the basic’s when dressing for an interview, for a more comprehensive and detailed list be sure to look in the Free Career Advice section of CheckYourReference.com under the What to Wear to an Interview.
Women’s Interview Attire
• Conservative Suit in a solid color
• Coordinated blouse
• Moderate shoes
• Limited Jewelry-Be sure to remove all body jewelry and tattoos
• Sparse make-up and perfume
• Neat, professional hairstyle
• Manicured nails
• Portfolio or briefcase
Men’s Interview Attire
• Conservative Suit in a solid color (blue, black, grey etc)
• Long sleeve button down shirt (white or coordinated with the suit)
• Conservative dress shoes that will match your belt.
• Limited jewelry
• Neat professional hairstyle
• Clean, neatly trimmed fingernails
• Portfolio or briefcase
Remember first impressions are crucial. So no matter what type of position you are applying for, there are some fundamental rules for every interview. Make sure that your interview attire is clean and pressed. Always choose comfort-clothes that restrict or limit your movement will be distracting when your mind needs to be focused on the interview. Good hygiene is essential. Whether it has to do with hair or nails, make sure they are clean and trimmed to the appropriate lengths.
Keep in mind that dressing well will inspire your confidence which will be reflected in your interview.

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